
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020


Algunhas familias non viron o blogue ata o de agora. Recordar que estas actividades teñen como obxectivo non perder a dinámica de inglés. Se alguén non fixo as actividades,recordar que  polo dagora son voluntarias pero recomendables.


O outro día vimos uns videos sobre roupa (CLOTHES´ VIDEOS). Hoxe propóñovos traballar o aprendido a través desta ficha. Podedes imprimila ou senon debuxala e escribir as frases. Colour it and put the names of the clothes.  (Colorea e pon os nomes da peza de roupa con frechas) Jennifer is wearing a red T – shirt, green skirt, yellow socks and brown shoes. Mark is wearing a green cap, brown jacket, pink polo shirt, blue trousersand red trainers. Jackson is wearing an orange T – shirt, black trousers, and green trainers. Tiffany is wearing a pink sweater, yellow skirt, blue socks, and black shoes. Bobby is wearing a purple cap, yellow T – shirt, brown trousers, and red trainers. O link para descargala é:  https://en.islcollective.com/download/english-esl-worksheets/vocabulary/clothes-and-fashion/what-he/she-wearing/86226 Agora vamos a aprender a facer as respostas. Mira para a roupa que levan Ryan, Jessica e Tom. Tes que responder se o levan posto ou non


AT THE ROOFTOPS ZOO Let´s see the animals of the unit. The children go to the zoo and they see lots of animals. Pay attention to the prepositions (IN, ON, UNDER). Where is each animal? At the end of the video repeat 3 times the animals to practice pronunciation.  The parrots are IN the tree. The gorrilla is UNDER the tree.  The rhino is IN the lake.  The penguins are ON the rock. The snake is UNDER the small rock. The crocodile is ON the big rock. Now a song about prepositions. Sing it twice or more times if you want. This video is about prepositions of place. Let´s learn more prepositions:   Let´s learn the prepositions. I took the following pictures from  http://englishinteractiveapproach.blogspot.com/2015/07/prepositions.html  BESIDE IS THE SAME AS NEXT TO. BESIDE= NEXT TO The monkey is NEXT TO the tree.  The rabbit is BEHIND the tree. The mole is IN the hole.  The monkey is ON the tree. The m


Enjoy it! O seguinte video publicado no facebook por Toufik Hiboux, podemos empregalo non só para adiviñar, repasar aprender vocabulario en inglés e tamén para practicar a debuxar. Aquí vos deixo o enlace: https://www.facebook.com/toufik.benbouchta/videos/3093317914012804/?t=188 Espero que vos guste.


In the digital book (Pearson) you can listen and read aloud the new story of Poly and Mike. Answer the questions: -           What goes north of Mike and Polly? -           Which two people live at Bollington Hall? -           What do Mike and Polly suspect? -           What does Frast want Smith to do? -           Why do Mike and Polly work together?       Correct the sentences:            1. There aren´t any roads to the research station            2.    There are some tracks going towards town.            3.     Frost is happy to see the kids in the forest.      4.    Polly and Mike doesn´t want to find Smith.      5.    Smith is the driver of the boat.  When you finish, do the activities 8,9 and 10 of the activity book.


It is time to practise writing. You can do it in the notebook and send me. I took it from Oxford Rooftops 4 activities. First, read the story on page 52 and 53. Read it in silence and then aloud to practise pronunciation. Then do the crossword.  Now, write sentences using likes and doesn´t like with the films genres. Example: 1. She doesn´t like fantasy films. Finally, you look at the pictures and write the questions or answers. 


2ND PRIMARY In class we read the book of "Froggy gets dressed", do you remember? Here you are. Now it´s time to work.  Draw Froggy and its clothes in a paper. First draw with a pencil and then colour. Materials: paper and crayons. 2.  Cut the drawings with scissors. 3. Now, put  clothes on Froggy. Make sentences. Example:  Make sentences, for example: Let´s see the difference : Froggy is wearing a yellow shirt  and blue jeans.                                         Froggy is wearing blue jeans and a yellow  shirt.  4. Practice vocabulary. Write the vocabulary: mittens, shirt, underwear, scarf, hat, boots, socks, coat, jeans.  Match the words with the pictures. 5. Practice : A / AN /--   AN: underwear. A: coat, shirt, hat, scarf. --: boots, mittens, socks. Empregamos "A" cando a palabra comeza por consoante e "AN" cando comeza por vogal. Se a palabra está en plura


2ND PRIMARY. Let´s sing a song:  What are you wearing?  Remember:    "She is wearing..." , " He is wearing..." , "I am wearing..." Now, do you remember the clothes names? Let´s see in this quiz. 


Os de 4º de primaria comezamos un novo tema "At the cinema". Como xa vimos na aula, hai diferentes tipos de películas. A ver se es quen de adiviñar a que xénero pertencen as seguintes películas. Lembra que unha mesma película pode incluírse en varias categorías. MOVIE GENRES: Comedy, cartoon, fantasy film, musical, wildlife film, adventure film, science fiction film.  Deixa nos comentarios a túa resposta e tamén na libreta. Anímaste a propoñer algunha película? Conseguíchelo? Agora vamos a traballar un pouquiño. Nesta ficha interactiva tes que clasificar os tipos de películas e como non practicar a función comunicativa - What do you want to watch?                        What does she want to watch? - I want to watch a comedy.                            Mary wants to watch a wildlife film. https://es.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Films_-_movies/Types_of_films-1_ph30304rx   https://es.liveworkshe


Coñeces a canción "See you later alligator" ? Let´s listen, sing and learn.  Cando volvamos ao colexio cantarémola para despedirnos. Que ganiñas de voltar!


LET´S LEARN ABOUT ANIMALS Rapazas e rapaces de 3º imos a comezar a aprender algúns animais. Lembras o nome dalgún animal en inglés?seguro que si.  Hoxe comezamos cunha canción "At the zoo"  Atopaches os seguintes  animais na canción? Lions, tigers, elephants, monkey, giraffe, ostrich, panda, snakes, spider, hippopotamus,rhinoceros, flamigos, alligators, polar bears, brown bears, meerkats, capybaras, emus, koalas, kangaroos,wombats. Estou segura que algúns deles (lion, tiger, elephant, monkey, giraffe, spider, snake...) xa os coñeces pero outros ao mellor non. Vamos a ver que animal é:  ALLIGATOR BROWN BEAR  EMU FLAMINGO HIPPOPOTAMU  KANGAROO  KOALA  MEERKAT  OSTRICH  PANDA  POLAR BEAR  RHINOCERUS  WOMBAT