In class we read the book of "Froggy gets dressed", do you remember? Here you are.
Now it´s time to work.
- Draw Froggy and its clothes in a paper. First draw with a pencil and then colour. Materials: paper and crayons.
2. Cut the drawings with scissors.
3. Now, put clothes on Froggy. Make sentences. Example:
Make sentences, for example:
Let´s see the difference : Froggy is wearing a yellow shirt and blue jeans.
Froggy is wearing blue jeans and a yellow shirt.
4. Practice vocabulary. Write the vocabulary: mittens, shirt, underwear, scarf, hat, boots, socks, coat, jeans.
Match the words with the pictures.
5. Practice : A / AN /--
AN: underwear.
A: coat, shirt, hat, scarf.
--: boots, mittens, socks.
Empregamos "A" cando a palabra comeza por consoante e "AN" cando comeza por vogal. Se a palabra está en plural (ten "s" ao final) non usamos A nin AN; por iso poñemos ese guión. Agora practica ti.
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